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Melodics Features
Melodics Features

The features of the Melodics app and how to use them

Get started with MelodicsTips & tricks to get you up & running with Melodics, quick quick!
Practice ModeIt’s not what you practice, it’s how you practice. Use Practice Mode in Melodics to make learning easier.
What are Records?As you practice, you’ll start getting Records. These are collectibles that summarise the skills you've learned.
What are Streaks?Practice for at least 5 minutes on consecutive days, and you’ll start Streaking. Streaking is the quickest way to improve your skills.
What are Trophies?The more effort you put in, the more Trophies you’ll earn. Track your effort by viewing your Trophies in the Progress screen.
Navigating your learning with MelodicsMelodics has all the tools you need with Lessons, Courses, and Songs. Learn how to use these tools to reach your goals.
Playing Scales with MelodicsScales are good for two things: warming up and honing your technique. Here’s a quick guide on how to get the most out of them.
Melodics pad editingDevelop your own style. Customize the layout of your pads to suit your needs, and take your playing to the next level.
Keyboard shortcuts in MelodicsReaching for the mouse can be a pain – here's how to get around Melodics screens with the keyboard
Exploring musical concepts with TagsUse Melodics tags to explore concepts, learn about music theory, and find more related lessons.
Melodics scoring, lesson grading, and leveling upGet real-time feedback on your performance, and track your progress as you level up your skills.
Your Progress OverviewThe Progress Overview tab summarizes all your progress in one place. Check in regularly to look back at everything you've achieved.
The Melodics MetronomeMaximize your practice by utilizing the metronome. Everything you need to know about how it works.